Wednesday, February 28, 2018

He Named Me Malala

Today we will watch the video "He Named Me Malala".

I will also check-in your video notes from the Hunting Ground, and your nonfiction book choices for the Marketplace of Ideas.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Intro to Student Activism -Malala Yousafzai

Today we will begin our discussion of student activism by learning about Malala Yousafzai, a young Pakistani activist.

To begin, we reflect on the following two quotes:

  1. “One teacher, one child, one book and one pen — they can change the world.” Malala
    1. How do you view your education? 
    2. What difference does education make in your life?
    3. How important is it to you to use your education to stand up to social injustices?
  2. “The voices of young people don’t matter - it’s the adults that make the rules that we have to live by."
    1. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
    2. Do young people know and care about issues in the larger society?

For homework: Read "He Named Me Malala" by reading parts of the film's discussion guide. Read and take notes on the following:

  1. Read and take notes on P.4 - Letter from Malala and Her Father
  2. Read and take notes on P.5-6 - Introduction to the Film
  3. Group readings - Read and take notes on your assigned reading.
Group 1-P.7 - About Pakistan
Group 2-P.8-9 - Influence of Family
Group 3-P.10 - Religious Extremism Comes to Swat
Group 4-P.11-12 - The Global Status of Girls’ Secondary Education
Group 5-P.13-14 - Why Education is So Critical

Group #1
Group #2
Group #3
Group #4
Group #5

            Friday, February 23, 2018

            Affirmative Consent Laws

            Today you'll explore whether affirmative consent laws are an effective means to lessen the risk of sexual assault.

            Read the following articles. Make sure to click on hyperlinks within articles to learn more.

            The Aziz Ansari Allegation Has People Talking About Affirmative Consent. What's That?
            When Does Drunk Sex Become Rape?
            Affirmative Consent:Are Students Really Asking?
            Adults Hate Yes Means Yes Laws. The College Students I Meet Love Them

            Please respond to the following, and upload your answer to
            • Explore your thoughts and ideas about consent laws or policies. Will they work? Why or why not?  Be specific, and include specifics from the articles.
            • Describe what you think should be done in Clara's case from the 2nd article above. Be sure to explain your reasoning.
            • Using specific information from the articles, answer these questions:
              • How will changing standards of consent affect student behavior, and the handling of sexual assault cases on college campuses and in the larger criminal justice system?
              • What does the need for increasingly explicit rules around consent say about our culture’s understanding of sex?

            Wednesday, February 21, 2018

            Discussing "The Hunting Ground"

            We will complete the film The Hunting Ground in class today.  You will continue taking notes as you watch. 

            Then you will answer the following using information from the video as well as the other content we have covered in class.
            1. What is your review or assessment of The Hunting Ground? 
            2. What, if anything, does the film prompt you to do? 
            3. The film received a 93% positive rating at Here are a few of those positive reviews Tribune ReviewNY Times Review. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment? 
            4. Here is a negative review or critique of the film Slate Review. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment?
            5. What information that you learned over the last week (either in the articles or film) is most surprising and why? 
            6. Does a "rape culture" exist in our society? If so, what is its impact? 
            7. What kind of responsibility do colleges have to address the issue of sexual assault on their campuses? Why don't they seem to take it more seriously? 
            8. What should sexual assault awareness programs address? Why? 
            9. What is the role of bystanders? 
            10. What other issues that were raised in the articles that you read or the film are most important to you? Why?
            Upload your answers to turnitin by the start of class tomorrow.

            Thursday, February 15, 2018

            The Hunting Ground

            Today we will start the film, The Hunting Ground (the film is available to rent at the link).  You will be taking notes as you watch. 

            After we complete the movie tomorrow, you will be answering the following using information from the video as well as the other content we have covered in class.
            • What is your review or assessment of The Hunting Ground? 
            • What, if anything, does the film prompt you to do? 
            • The film received a 93% positive rating at Here are a few of those positive reviews Tribune Review, NY Times Review. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment? 
            • Here is a negative review or critique of the film Slate Review. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment?
            • What information that you learned over the last few days (either in the articles or film) is most surprising and why? 
            • Does a "rape culture" exist in our society? If so, what is its impact? 
            • What kind of responsibility do colleges have to address the issue of sexual assault on their campuses? Why don't they seem to take it more seriously? 
            • What should sexual assault awareness programs address? Why? 
            • What is the role of bystanders? 
            • What other issues that were raised in the articles that you read or the film are most important to you? Why?

            Wednesday, February 14, 2018

            Steubenville, Stanford and Sexual Assault

            Today we will continue discussing the Steubenville rape case by looking at what happened in the months and years after the assault: follow-up articles.

            We will then discuss Brock Turner and the Stanford Rape Case by looking at:
            Finally, we will discuss to what role alcohol abuse plays in sexual assaults:

            Monday, February 12, 2018

            Ohio Rape Case

            Today we will discuss the Ohio Rape Case.

            Finish the article and take notes for homework for Wednesday.

            Thursday, February 8, 2018

            Sexual Harassment on the streets and college campuses

            Today in class, we will complete the charts from yesterday. Once your group has completed the chart, discuss and answer the following questions:

            1. What did you think of these articles? 
            2. How prevalent is sexual harassment? 
            3. What is the impact of #metoo?
            Type your answer at the bottom of the chart, and be sure to share the chart with me.

            We will then explore sexual harassment on the streets and on college campuses by watching the following videos:
            1. 10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman
            2. Sexual Harassment in College

            Wednesday, February 7, 2018

            Voter Registration

            You can register to vote tomorrow during lunch, or you can register online using the link below. Please register, vote in the primary, vote in the election, and commit to being a lifelong voter!

            Illinois Online Voter Application

            Sexual Harassment PSAs

            In groups, open this link to the Sexual Harassment PSAs. There are 6 listed on the right; each person in the group should pick one to watch. Once you have watched your video, report back to the rest of the group on:
            • What happened?
            • How did you feel watching the video?
            • Did the scenario feel realistic?
            Next, you will continue the discussion of what sexual harassment looks like in various industries by completing the following:Sexual Harassment Articles

            Group #1
            Group #2
            Group #3
            Group #4

            Monday, February 5, 2018

            Sexual Harassment Scenarios

            • Read this definition of sexual harassment and this list of actions that may possibly constitute sexual harassment.
            • Then, using those definitions as well as what you know from your reading last night, go through these scenarios. Complete the chart I pass out; this will be collected. You may work individually or in small groups, but everyone must complete the chart individually.

            HW: Complete the chart individually before class on Wednesday.

            Friday, February 2, 2018

            Continued discussion of sexual harassment

            Today we will continue reading, answering the questions, and discussing the sexual harassment articles from yesterday.

            For homework:

            1. Complete and upload your answers to the questions on the sexual harassment articles.
            2. Complete the survey on the Marketplace of Ideas (online proposal form)

            Thursday, February 1, 2018

            Sexual Harassment

            With so much in the news today about sexual harassment in many of our major industries as well as the #MeToo movement that began on Facebook, it's important to understand what sexual harassment is and discover the places where we may confront it.

            Today your task is to consider the issue of sexual harassment in schools.
            Read these articles actively: Sexual Harassment in Schools
            Answer these questions as you read or after you read: Harassment Article Questions.

            Upload your responses to these questions on turnitin by the start of class on Friday. Be sure that your responses are thorough, detailed, specific and your OWN work.